Political analyst Brian Fonseca: “Massive disinformation” in election social media

Social media platforms were at the forefront of the 2020 Presidential Election.

Voters of all ages used digital platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and TikTok to voice their opinions and political affiliations.  

Politicians addressed their viewpoints on various policies candidly and with no filter. This allowed them more options to express ideas without traditional media outlets. 

SFMN spoke with political expert and Florida International University professor Brian Fonseca on how social media is shaping politics. 

“Social media and digital marketing have become overwhelmingly impactful to campaigns,” he said. “It does two things: it increases the reach and increases the speed of messaging.”

Voters, politicians and foreign governments showed just how easy it is to spread misinformation. 

“When you look in the South Florida market, you see massive disinformation campaigns around painting the Biden-Harris ticket as socialist or progressive,” Fonseca said. “You also see it on the other side where campaigns were trying to paint anyone Republican as racist.” 

Cristina Feliciano is a broadcast media major at Florida International University. She is passionate about delivering the news and creating professional digital media content. She is experienced in field reporting on camera and editing news packages, but also loves to write.

Haitian-American born and raised in Orlando, FL, Ashley Maxi is pursuing her bachelor's degree in broadcast media with a minor in social media and e-marketing analytics. She loves music and entertainment topics. Ashley also hopes to pursue the entertainment aspect of  broadcast journalism

Maria Fernanda Suarez, born in San Cristobal, Venezuela, raised in Miami, Florida, her culture was strongly based on immigration and language barriers; she began to explore how to document the world through writing. Maria is studying at Florida International University and will soon have a bachelor's degree in Communications and Marketing.